Install Nginx on a Raspberry Pi
17 January, 2015
Once Raspbian is up and running, maybe it’s time to install a web server.
First, install nginx: sudo apt-get install nginx
Then open the nginx config file using Nano: sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
Find the line that says: root /usr/share/nginx/www;
Change it to root /var/www/sitename;
(with your chosen site name!)
Press ctrl+o
, enter
to save (“o” stands for “write out”, then ctrl+x
to exit from Nano.
Make a new folder for your website to live in: sudo mkdir /var/www/sitename
(with the same site name you chose earlier)
Change the ownership of your folder so that both the Pi user and the www-data group (nginx!) can access it:
Then all that’s left is to start nginx. Starting it as a service will allow it to run in the background:
sudo service nginx start
Visit your Pi’s IP address from another computer to see if it worked. If you don’t know what the address is, type ifconfig
to see something like this: